【同义词辨析】 2018-04-08 啰嗦wordy-redundant

wordy: may also imply loquaciousness or garrulousness: a ~ speech that said nothing.

verbose: suggests a resulting dullness, obscurity, or lack of incisiveness and precision: ~ position papers that on one reads.

prolix: suggests unreasonable and tedious dwelling on details: habitually transformed brief anecdotes into ~ sagas. (北欧传奇)

diffuse: stresses lack of the organization and compactness that make for pointedness of expression and strength of style: ~ memoirs that are so many shaggy-dog stories.

redundant: implies superfluity resulting from needless repetition or overelaboration: emended the text by removing whatever was ~.

wordy: 多话唠叨,verbose: 无趣模糊不精准,prolix: 不合理的注重细节,diffuse: 无组织不简洁以至于重点不突出无力,redundancy冗余: 多余的重复过度详述

记忆方法: 1)VW PRD想象成PRouD VolksWagen: 一个骄傲大众工程师==〉说话啰嗦。(Volkswagen大众汽车)

        2)啰嗦的意思是说的话多余mean using more words than necessary to express thought.